A Fire in His Soul, The Man and His Impact on American Orthodox Jewry, by Amos Bunim (Feldheim Publishers), is the comprehensive biography of Mr. Irving M. Bunim z’l (1901-1980).  

“Born in Volozhin, Lithuania, and raised in New York in a home steeped in Jewish values and tradition, Bunim dedicated his life to furthering Orthodox Judaism and Jewish education… He left an indelible mark on Young Israel and together with R’ Aaron Kotler zt’l, he built Vaad Hatzala into an ambitious rescue organization for victims of the Holocaust… He championed the cause of Torah Umesorah in America and Chinuch Atzmai in Israel… Bunim’s achievements for American Orthodox Jewry in particular, and for world Jewry in general, were unequaled” (Quoted from the back cover of the book).

This fascinating, inspiring, superbly-written, well-documented, thorough and comprehensive biography will leave you in awe of Mr. Irving Bunim, his tremendous life and his vast accomplishments.  Never one to rest on his laurels, Bunim always strove to do more and more for his fellow Jews.  This must-read book, and Bunim’s well lived life, should be an inspiration to us all.