“Dreams Never Dreamed,” by Kalman Samuels (Toby Press), is the breathtaking story of Kalman and Malki Samuels, their son Yossi, and the founding of Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
In 1977, when Yossi was one year old, he was seriously and irreparably injured from a tainted and faulty vaccine. Though the Israeli government knew the vaccine was injuring children for some months, it continued to be administered. Yossi – born healthy and well – was left blind, deaf, and acutely hyperactive.
With great hope, wit, determination, courage, tenacity, and drive, Yossi’s parents founded the now-world famous Shalva center to service-disabled children and their families.
This incredible story will move you, inspire you, and leave you in awe of a family who saw their own personal suffering and travail as a catalyst to changing the lives of so many others. This memoir is superbly written, easy to read, and a riveting look into the life of Yossi and his family, and the Shalva organization. It is a must-read.