With Pesach upon us, I share with you one of my favorite Haggadot.  The Heritage Haggadah (Feldheim Publishers), with commentary and insights by R’ Eliyahu KiTov (b.1912, Poland – d.1976, J’lem), is a beautiful Haggadah.  With its clear font and easy to follow text, it is pleasant to read and easy on the eye.  In terms of Torah and Pesach insights, this Haggadah is full of profound, timeless, relevant, and varied thoughts and ideas, both to enrich our own Pesach and to enhance our Seder table as we share insights with others.

It is also available in easy-to-understand Hebrew (if you are familiar with Hebrew).  The Hebrew version is called סדר ליל פסח.  I use the Hebrew version at the Seder table every year, and enjoy perusing the English version both in preparation for Pesach, and during the chag itself.

Enjoy and best wishes for a chag kasher v’samayach!