24 Oct 2018 Corned Beef with Honey-Mustard Cranberry Sauce
This week’s recipe is in honor of Parshas Vayeira, and the delicacy of tongue in mustard sauce that Avraham Avinu prepared for his guests (Rashi to Bereishis 18:7). However, as I have never cooked tongue before… I prepared a recipe for mustard sauce over corned beef instead 🙂
The meat is delicious, as well as super easy to prepare, and looks gorgeous on the plate. It’s perfect for any Shabbos meal – as it can be served at room temperature for Shabbos lunch – or for any special occasion meal. Utilizing apples and cranberries, it’s also really nice for fall.
Corned Beef with Honey-Mustard Cranberry Sauce
You will need a 3 – 4 lb corned beef. You can use any cut of meat, which has been pickled and made into corned beef. Rinse the raw corned beef very well under cold running water. Fill a large stock pot with clean, cold water, and place the corned beef into the pot of water.
Place the pot over a high flame and bring the water to a boil. Watch carefully, as once it starts to boil, it has to be turned down quickly (or it’ll overflow!). Once it is boiling, skim off whatever rises to the top of the water. Cover the pot, turn the flame to medium-low, and cook, covered, for approx. 2 hours, till the meat is very soft and a fork slides easily into the corned beef. If the corned beef is still not fork-tender after 2 hours, leave it cooking for another half hour or so.
When the corned beef is almost finished cooking, preheat the oven to 325*.
Prepare the sauce. In a bowl, combine:
2 c. whole cranberries (you can use fresh or frozen)
3/4 c. honey
1/2 c. orange juice
1/4 c. apple cider vinegar
1/2 c. coarse ground mustard
pinch ground cloves
Mix all together. Peel and thickly slice 2 Gala apples, and set aside.
When the corned beef is finished cooking, carefully remove it from the pot. Transfer the corned beef to a 9×13 foil pan (it’s a good idea to double your foil pan, to carry the weight of the meat and sauce). Pour the sauce over, and around, the meat. Add the apple wedges to the pan. Cover tightly with foil and bake on 325* for 40 minutes.
Happy cooking, b’tay’avon, and enjoy. And like Avraham Avinu, let’s try to remember to invite some guests to enjoy our delicacies and our meal!
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