Sunday/9 Av Shiur and Link to Online 9 Av Shiurim

Good morning Friends, I hope that you are all well.

For those of you who are local: Please note that I will be speaking (shiur for women) this Sunday, Tishaa B’av, at the Young Israel of Woodmere, 1:30-2:15pm.  I have prepared a new shiur for our day of communal aveilus.

“If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem: In Tears and Pain – Mourning the Churban”

The shiur is based on Tehillim Kapitel 137… By the Rivers of Babylon we sat and wept…

In addition, I have a number of shiurim on related to 9 Av.  Link to the page is:

The relevant shiur are:

Tishaa B’Av: Repairing the Divide (presented this week at the Amen Group, Lawrence, NY)

Eichah: A Cry, A Question, A Demand – Living with Meaning (presented last week in Chicago)

The Three Weeks; Tears, Prayers and Mourning with Meaning (presented on 17 Tammuz in Passaic, NJ)

Between the Straits: Each One is a World (Presented at the YIW as the monthly/Tammuz shiur)

Each shiur is different and all are relevant for our national day of mourning.

Please join us on Sunday and please share this information with others.

Besuros tovos.  May we merit the ultimate redemption immediately and in our days, amen.


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