19 Apr 2018 Baked Green Apple Tart
This is a delicious baked apple tart for those (like me!) who love (pretty much almost) anything with baked apples in it. As usual, it’s easy and fast to throw together, bakes quickly, and delicious to eat. The recipe was created with a side dish in mind – which is how I served it; but if you prefer to wait for dessert, you can serve it then too. Just don’t forget the ice cream (parve or dairy) if you do!
Baked Green Apple Tart
Pre-heat the oven to 350*.
Peel and dice 4 Granny Smith (Green) Apples. Place the diced apples into a large mixing bowl.
To the bowl, add:
2 eggs, beaten
1 c. white whole wheat flour
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. ground almonds
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/3 c. oil
1/4 c. honey
Mix all together, by hand, using a wooden spoon or spatula. Pour the batter into a tart pan (or any other shallow baking pan of your choice) which has been lined with parchment paper. Bake on 350* for about 30 minutes, till dry. Remove from the oven and allow tart to cool, or eat it warm like we did 🙂
Other delicious recipes with apple:
And a nice, light, interesting and refreshing salad as we move into the spring/summer seasons:
And check out recommended reading, which is updated with a new read about every 2 weeks, at https://michalhorowitz.com/recommended-reading/
And if you missed this week’s Dvar Torah post, which went out earlier in the week, it can be accessed here: https://michalhorowitz.com/parshas-tazria-yom-hazikaron-5778/
Kol tuv, b’tay’avon and Chag Atzma’ut Samayach!
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