04 Apr 2017 Fabulously Delicious Sushi Salad (Pesach) & Other Yummy Pesach recipes
With less than a week away to Seder night, we are in the final Pesach countdown…
With so many Yom Tov meals to plan this year, and often many hungry mouths to feed, B”H, this Sushi Salad is a healthy, filling, appetizing and delicious take on the usual brown rice sushi salad. Not only is it great for Pesach – especially lovely served with an appetizer course, or as part of the Seuda Shlishis meal – it’s also a healthy and protein-packed alternative which can be made all year round. Though it looks like a grain, quinoa is a much healthier alternative to carb-laden rice.
This Sushi salad is a fabulous, healthy, filling and easy dish to make! An elegant salad; perfect for any meal.
(Kosher l’Pesach Quinoa) Fabulously Delicious Sushi Salad
1 1/2 c. white quinoa (kosher for Pesach)
3 1/4 c. water
2 ½ Tbsp. oil (Kosher l’Pesach mild flavor oil. Pesach olive oil is not recommended, due to its strong flavor, which will not work with this salad.)
2 Persian cucumbers, unpeeled and chopped (If you peel all produce on Pesach, you can certainly use peeled cucumbers in this recipe as well.)
1 generous cup shredded carrots
6 crab flavored surimi seafood sticks, chopped (Kosher l’Pesach)
1 ripe avocado, diced
Dressing: 3 Tbsp white vinegar, 3 Tbsp red wine vinegar, 2 Tbsp sugar, 2 Tbsp honey, ½ tsp. salt, dash black pepper (check all ingredients for Pesach hechsher).
Combine quinoa and water in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Lower the flame and simmer the quinoa, covered, about 20 minutes or until all the water is absorbed. Transfer the cooked quinoa to a large bowl and add the oil; stir to combine. Set the quinoa off to the side and allow it to cool.
While the quinoa is cooling, in a different bowl mix together the diced cucumbers, shredded carrots, and chopped seafood sticks. Set aside.
In a small cruet or bowl mix the dressing ingredients together. Pour the dressing over the quinoa and toss to combine. Once the quinoa has cooled off somewhat, add the vegetables and seafood stick mixture. Cover the salad and store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Add the diced avocado to the salad right before serving. Yield: 6 to 8 servings.
And don’t forget to check out these other delicious, nutritious, crowd-pleasing and easy to make, kosher l’Pesach yummy recipes.
An important note: Please be cautious. The following recipes were not written specifically for Pesach. If a recipe calls for light olive oil, make sure to use kosher l’Pesach mild-flavored oil. If a recipe calls for seeds, omit them from the dish! If a recipe calls for mustard, either omit it or use imitation kosher l’Pesach mustard. All recipes are super simple to easily adapt for Pesach with a few minor changes.
Crunchy Cabbage Salad – https://michalhorowitz.com/crunchy-cabbage-salad/
Zucchini Meat Soup – https://michalhorowitz.com/zucchini-meat-soup/
Hearty Cabbage Meat Soup – https://michalhorowitz.com/hearty-cabbage-meat-soup/
Sweet & Tangy Baked Gefilte Fish – https://michalhorowitz.com/sweet-tangy-gefilte-fish/
Cauliflower Potato Soup – https://michalhorowitz.com/cauliflower-potato-soup/
Spinach Soufle, NOTE: Use potato starch or matzah meal in place of the flour and omit the topping of cornflake crumbs – https://michalhorowitz.com/spinach-souffle-aka-spinach-kugel/
Pan Seared Orange-Honey Dark Meat Chicken Cutlets – https://michalhorowitz.com/pan-seared-honey-orange-dark-meat-chicken-cutlets/
Sweet Apple (Spaghetti Squash) “Lokshin” Kugel – https://michalhorowitz.com/sweet-apple-spaghetti-squash-lokshin-kugel/
Garlic Herbed Chicken – https://michalhorowitz.com/garlic-herbed-chicken/
בתאבון ובברכת חג כשר ושמח,
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