22 Jul 2018 Link to Today’s Tisha B’Av shiur
Dear friends, for your information, here is the link to my Tisha B’Av shiur, which was presented this afternoon at the YI Woodmere, entitled Eichah: The Timeless Lament of the Scroll of Destruction:
May we merit our immediate and complete redemption, with shalom and Simcha for our people and our Land, halavay…
Kol tuv, besuros tovos,
Posted at 19:39h, 22 JulyYour presentation was exceptional , we are all benefitting from the special gift you have been given by Hashem!
Leonie Balbin
Posted at 10:26h, 23 JulyDear Michal
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your shiurim. I have an hour drive to and from work every day and it makes the trip so meaningful. It inspires me for the day. I also have read many of the books you have recommended and passed them on to others. This Tisha B’av I read the Terror in Har Nof. People have amazing Emunah and clarity.
Your ability to make everything real and relevant is a true gift. Thank you thank you thank you.
From down under
Melbourne Australia