Dear Friends, Please see the attached flyer for an exciting summer learning program.  I will be presenting Shiur Sunday mornings from 10-10:30 am.  Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 980 3243 6809 Password: SUMMER2020 Please join me and feel free to share this information with others! Kol tuv, Michal...

Dear Friends, Please join me Iy'H on Sunday May 24 for TWO, NEW, exciting and meaningful shiurim! *I will be speaking at 10:30 am for the 5T’s Virtual Beis Medrash.  Direct link to Zoom shiur: Zoom Meeting ID: 980 3243 6809 Password: 5TFRBM Dial-in: 929 205 6099 *At 2 pm I will...

Dear Friends, Shavua tov. Below is the link to today’s (new) Aseres Yimei Teshuva shiur, presented this morning at the YI Woodmere, in memory of Ari Fuld z’l HY”D. “Through the Lens of the Akeidah: Is There Meaning in Mourning?” Please listen and please share with others. For your...

Dear friends, for your information, here is the link to my Tisha B’Av shiur, which was presented this afternoon at the YI Woodmere, entitled Eichah: The Timeless Lament of the Scroll of Destruction: May we merit our immediate and complete redemption, with shalom and Simcha for...

In honor of Chanukah, I am resending my “secret” latke recipe, which I posted last year: A patchka… but well worth it :) And for your interest, check out this fascinating book, recently added to Recommended Reading: Kol tuv and Chanukah samayach! Michal...